SHE Wants to be Healthy

Monday, April 9, 2018

Hey Y'all,

When the weather starts to get warmer and the days get longer I want to be outside. I love to pull out the cute summer clothes and make plans to enjoy the beautiful afternoons. This is fun until I realize I have been quite a slacker over the winter! No exercise, eating a lot of unhealthy choices.  Eek! It is a harsh reality to say the least. 

So like most of us, I decide to try to turn things around by eating better and getting some exercise. I like to walk, that is a favorite activity. So longer days and warmer temps makes that easy. Eating better is easier in the warmer months.  We do lots of grilling, fresh veggies are abundant and we tend to have lighter meals due to the warmer weather.  But y'all my true vice is sweet tea... I love sweet tea! It's a southern tradition right? And I really do not like to drink "water".  Do you?  My daughter loves water- drinks it almost exclusively. I can not do it! If I am really really thirsty, yes. But to choose water with my meal, uh no thank you, I'll have a sweet tea.

But this is not healthy. So I am going to experiment with some fruit infused waters to see if I can up my fluid intake.  Have you tried any? I have found several recipes to "detox" my system. But I really just hope to find one that tastes good.  Here are a few ideas.  These have fruit and several recommend mint leaves.  I think I will start with a strawberry water. You know nothing too crazy and then experiment from there.  ( * Just a tip, most recommend removing fruit after 12 hours as it starts to breakdown and might alter the taste.)  Another idea, was to drop bits of fruit in ice trays and fill with water. Once frozen use the ice cubes in your water for a little fruity taste.

Are you a good water drinker? Do you like fruit in yours? Mint?  What is your favorite concoction?
I would love to try your recipe combinations, so please share. I tell you, looking through all these recipes make me want to plant a little herb garden. Wouldn't that be fun to have fresh herb sprigs to add to your water? I'll be sure to share pictures this week end.

image via google
Ok, who is with me? The recommended amount of daily water  consumption is 64 ounces. That will be my long range goal. Tomorrow we start with 24 ounces. Wish me luck! 


Where is SHE?

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Hey Y'all,  I hope you are all doing well. We had a wonderful Easter weekend & I am lucky to be "off" this week to enjoy a little extra family time and this beautiful sunshine!  It just makes you feel good doesn't it?

I hope you all haven't forgotten about us 😟... I know we have been a little MIA, but we really have had the best "excuses".  As you know Lisa & I have been promoted to "grandparents" (aka, LaLa & Hunny).  And it is SO much fun and we can't seem to get enough of these sweet little ones. But our blogging has sort of fallen to the bottom of our to do lists.  We hope to correct that and start sharing a little more often. Our new Mommies are incredible! They have taken to Motherhood like champs ~ tired champs but they are both doing so well loving their new roles and their new families.

To say we are proud of our SHEs would be an understatement. Of course they have questions, and we are remembering a lot of things together, but there is nothing like holding your baby's baby or watching your baby be a Mommy.  And the Daddys? They are doing fabulously too! They take such good care of the baby & the Mom. We are blessed that they have the best support systems.

Thanks for sticking with us. We would love (and appreciate) some of your favorite baby tips and techniques.... sleeping through the night, best diapers, teething tips, bath time fun.... or just your sweet memories.  We are all in this journey together, sharing and supporting each other to be the best SHE we can be.

So please forgive us for falling off track, we hope to jump back into sharing with you. Until then say hello to our sweet new littles!!  Sweet baby E was born 12/5 and handsome baby S was born 1/16  Destined to be BFFs or so we hope.  

Love you friends!!


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