SHE: Pinterest Planner Party

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Hey Friends, Mark your calendars for our next event...  SHE Degree will be hosting a  Pinterest Planner Party  on September 13th  @ North Hixson Church of God.  from 6-8 pm Join us as we make several planner...

SHE goes to the market

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Hey ladies~  Just wanted to send out a quick reminder!!!  Today is the DAY. Join us 11-5 at the indoor  Pavilion of Chester Frost Park in Hixson. Come out and shop and have a great afternoon with your besties. Be sure to...

SHE: Everything SHE Needs Market

Saturday, August 18, 2018

**  So Sorry!! Last night's late email blast had some misleading wording.  That was the final release of vendors, NOT our complete list of vendors!! I apologize ~ that was confusing.  We have a complete updated list to include all vendors...

SHE: Shares the next group

Friday, August 17, 2018

Hey friends, We are 1 week away from our market and wanted to send out another quick list of vendors. Woo hoo!!  What will you be shopping for at the market? Clothes ? Jewelry? Home Décor? we will have these and more! Color Street Nails Rodan...

SHE: Sneak Peek

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Hey friends!  Happy Sunday!! We are less than 2 weeks away from our Everything SHE Needs Market. Have you invited your friends to join you for an afternoon of shopping? Girl time is so important! Be sure to mark it on your calendar so you don't...

SHE: Takes on a new adventure

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hey friends, How is your summer going?  Ours have gone quickly in some ways because it has been busy. But my vacation is still a week away, so it seems to be dragging along...   So what have the SHE's been doing you might ask? Working,...

2018 Everything SHE Needs Market

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Hey Friends!! The Ladies of  SHE Degree are at it again. We have been busy planning for our next Everything SHE Needs Market and you are invited.  The market will be at the Chester Frost Park pavilion in Hixson on August 25th 11- 5pm....

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