SHE: Takes on a new adventure

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hey friends,

How is your summer going?  Ours have gone quickly in some ways because it has been busy. But my vacation is still a week away, so it seems to be dragging along...  

So what have the SHE's been doing you might ask? Working, cooking, cleaning, raising babies, meal planning, running errands, spending time with family and friends, enjoying summer activities, travel, and of course planning our next Everything SHE Needs Market.  On top of all of this Courtney and I are taking on side gigs! Here is a quick run down.....

Brittney has been busy with Baby S but has the flexibility to take on more of our day to day SHE Degree business.  Coordinating and following up with potential vendors and working on items for goody bags.  Helping us all stay on the same page. Did you know it is possible to run a business with text messages as your only form of communication? Some weeks that is all we can squeeze in! 

Lisa is fortunate to be able to have Baby E with her a few days a week while Mom is at work. She has been a busy lady with activities, camps and classes for C & H, loving sweet Baby E and making plans to move M into her new dorm. Adding to that she has been planning our SHE Degree classes!!  Y'all we are so excited that these are coming together. They will be perfect for a new SHE or a seasoned SHE.  There will be something fun for everyone.  So plan on a few "Lisa Bennett minutes" to be coming your way soon!! Don't you love them!  She will be sharing news about the market and classes and how you can make plans to join us.

Courtney is so talented and loves to bake. I think she gets that from her Momma. She has turned her creativity into Confections by Courtney ~ homemade cakes and cookies. Y'all, these beautiful treats taste even better than they look!  She made "cows" cookies for me for a work friend who absolutely loved them! With baby showers, birthday parties and summer time fun, the demand for her yummy treats is really growing. Especially as more friends are finding out about her.  So if you are local contact Courtney for your next party or get together. These yummy treats will not disappoint!  

As for me, I have joined a skincare company, Rodan + Fields. Have you heard of it? I first tried the products a couple of years ago. Loved the way they made my skin feel ~ like velvet ladies! I love my career but know that at some point I am going to need a second act.  I am social. I love being out of the house, meeting friends, networking. Thinking about what my second act could look like I decided to jump right in as a R + F consultant. I will enjoy the benefits of these awesome products, sharing them with my friends, meet new friends and make an extra income at the same time. Ladies, I call that a win- win plan.  It's a great company that allows flexibility to work as much or as little as I want. Of course, just like anything else in life, you reap what you sow.  I would love to share the products and business information with anyone interested, just shoot me an email.

I think that catches you up a little bit. Make sure you have our next market on your calendar. There will be over 30 vendors with something for all of you. It is August 25th at Chester Frost Park in the Pavilion. It's indoors, free admission and will definitely be a fun girlfriend afternoon you don't want to miss.  Please help us spread the word by inviting your friends to join us. It's easy to do, just click on the SHARE button and invite your friends.  

We so appreciate each of you following along with us on our daily journey as we strive to be the Best SHEs we can be.  Support your friends and allow them to support you. 


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