Last weekend we had
a very quick trip to Mobile, Alabama. We traveled thereto see my sweet
niece, Kaity, graduate from college.As Iimagine most college students are at
this time of year, Kaity was tired and stressed. She wasso ready for a break that she tried to
downplay the significance of the day. She tried to convince us that we
should notmake a big
deal" about it because she is continuing her education in the fall and not
really "finished" with school. Kaity is headed to Pharmacy school
y'all! That's a pretty big deal and we could not be more proud.Needless to say,
there was no way we were letting the day go by without a celebration.In fact, it turned
outto be a minifamily reunionwith my Mom,
sister, brother in law, his dad, an aunt, uncles, cousins and Kaity's
boyfriend. It was so much fun
seeing everyone, it had been so long since we were together.Her parents and
Grandmother (my mom) did a great job organizing everything.There was a lot of
smiling and laughing, first time introductions (several had not met our
precious Andrew or Kaity's boyfriend, Wesley) and just getting reacquainted. We
even called and "Face timed" with an Aunt and cousin who couldn't
attend ~ gotta love technology!
And you know we had to take photos with everyone... lots and lots of photos. As I looked at
each smile in the photos, it was so evident that these people loved Kaity and
each other. Even though we were missing several aunts & uncles and cousins,
each person and family represented has had an impact on her life.This weekend wasa perfect example
of the phrase..."it takes a village". And Kaity's village was very proud of
May 5, 2017
Do you have a
village? A group of people who support you no matter the need ? They influence
and encourage;They are your cheerleader,
tear wiper and prayer warriors. Surround yourself with these people~ SHE's
that love you and yours well. Good luck sweet
Kaity-Did! We can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for your future &
thankful to be included in your village.
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