SHE: Loves A Good Book

Monday, June 5, 2017

image via Bing
Hey Y'all,

It's summer! Have you planned your vacation / staycation?  Mine is later in the summer so I still have some time to plan. But one of the most important things I enjoy purchasing for my trip is a new book or 2.  I am in absolute heaven sitting in my beach chair right at the edge of the water with a great book.  I do on occasion get in a little too far and have the water wave right up over me and my chair, but the cool water feels amazing so it's no biggie.   

Do you read "books" or do you read on a device? Kindle, tablet or phone?  I really like real books, but use my  Kindle too. It is great to use as the sun doesn't affect the screen quality.  And like I mentioned before ~ I tend to get washed over by the waves so not the best place for my phone or tablet to be.

image via Bing

As far as what I normally read, I tend to read a variety of books- love story, mystery, thrillers...But a  beach trip beacons a certain type of storyline for me. I enjoy a quick read, it has to grab and keep my attention. If it takes too long to get interesting or has too many characters, I'm out. Nothing too graphic or scary or too sad. Give me a funny love story and I am good to go.  How about you? When I started looking into what I wanted to read this summer I of course Googled "best beach reads of 2017".  I got so many suggestions. Here are just a few.... 
This is the only one I have picked out so far ~   Same Beach, Next Year
Best Beach Reads
Summer 2017 Best Books
Summer 2017 Must Read

Good luck finding your perfect story. Let me know what you plan to read and I will be sure to let you know which ones I select.  Do you reread favorites? I will share some of the books I reread on occasion one day soon.



*this post contains affiliate links, but all ideas and opinions are my own.

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