Where is SHE?

Monday, July 24, 2017

Hey Y'all,

How has your summer been going?  Ours has been great! The SHE's are busy!!  I apologize if we have been a little MIA lately. We have so many new plans in the works along with some expansion within our SHE Degree network.  We will have a new website that we will be debuting in the next few weeks. It should be a little more user friendly and have some new features we know you will enjoy!!

We have updated our contact info too.  You can still reach each of us at our SHEdegree@gmail.com email address, but if you prefer to contact one of us specifically with a question or comment you can reach us at the following:


You may have heard we chose to not host a market this year. While we were very sad, we were not able to commit the time and attention an exceptional market requires.  With that being said, we love a fun market!  So we will probably be attending a few smaller events in your neighborhood this fall.  Please stop by and chat with us if you see us at an event. Over the next few months, we will begin sharing with you what we have been working on.  We think you will like it!!

We hope you understand and that you will make plans to join us at our next market. Because we fully anticipate hosting an awesome event next summer. Vendors, be watching for early details.

We appreciate your continued support of the SHE Degree family.
Now, enjoy the rest of your summer break!!


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