DIY: Wooden Crate Blanket Holder

Friday, January 15, 2016

Hey y'all! So the other day as I was picking blankets up off the floor for the millionth time I decided that the back of the chair was no longer working. I needed a holder of some sort to put all my blankets in. Then as I was walking down the craft aisle at Wal-Mart I saw this plain wooden crate - cue the light bulb!

So with the help of my trusty chalk paint, I created a cute little crate that now holds my blankets.

To begin you'll need a wooden crate, chalk paint (I recommend two colors so you have some depth), wax, paint brushes, cloth. Optional things not pictured: sand paper, drop cloth (my craft room is carpet so I keep a roll of plastic drop cloth in there. When the paint comes out so does it!)

My chalk paint and wax came from Wal-Mart - just FYI

I chose grey and white for mine with a dark wax. If you're dead set on your paint colors and don't want the darker worn look be sure to grab clear wax instead!

I started by painting the grey first. Whatever color you want the dominant color to be needs to be the second coat. The instructions on the bottle of chalk paint will tell you do to thin layers. Take this seriously! Chalk paint is thicker than normal paint so the drips don't come immediately! 

Note: painting these crates is fairly time consuming. Do not plan to complete this project in an hour!

Once the grey was good and dry I added the white. I was going for a rustic, worn look so I only did one coat of white. If you're only doing one color, or want a more solid color be sure to do more coats as needed.

Optional part: sanding. Like I just said, I wanted a rustic, worn look, so I sanded mine down a little. I didn't do too much, just enough to where the grey was showing through in parts.

After you finishing sanding, or not, it is time for the wax. I used an old handkerchief for my rag. You'll probably throw this away when you're done so don't choose one you want to keep. 

My tip - start with just a little. You can always add, but it is really hard to remove. It is going to soak in a little so it won't be quite as dark when it is all said and done. But again start small - add later. I would just dip my rag in and then rub on.

Let your wax dry, add your blankets, and ta-da!!

I'd love to see your work and/or hear any feedback you have!

xo Courtney

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