SHE Planted A Garden (at an apartment)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Morning y'all! So this past weekend Hubs and I decided we had enough with our boring back porch. So we decided to decorate it and plant a garden (and after seeing Brittney's garden we wanted one too!!). We both are wanting to spend a lot of time out here this summer so we knew it was time to get to work. One big problem here... we live in an apartment. So it's not like we can start digging holes. So today I'm sharing how we still made a garden and some before and after pictures of our porch! (it's probably going to be picture overload today - sorry!)

First, the before picture:

Before - Yuck!

Okay, so let's talk about this garden. We had an old pot and tote and then Nick's dad gave us another pot and tote.We love hand-me downs!

With the totes you will need to drill holes in the bottom so the water can drain.

Now that you've got the holes you're ready to paint the totes. I mean this step isn't completely necessary, but I didn't want blue and green totes on my back porch! 

So I grabbed a bottle of spray paint. Get any color you want, just check for two things. 1. That it bonds to plastic and 2. that it is for outdoors!

This is what I used! This bottle covered both totes but just barely got the second one done.
Hubs was really into taking pictures for this post and was snapping them every time I turned around!

Ta-da! Doesn't that look so much better?!

While those were drying I started planting my succulents (completely for decoration!)

At this point, Mack was bored and found himself a spot in the shade and in a hole he dug the other day (oops)!

Okay, now they were dry. Time to plant the garden! You'll notice that I sprayed about 1/3 of the way down into the inside so that you wouldn't ever see the blue or green!

You're going to want to fill the bottom of your tote with something. The holes will let the water seep out, but also the soil.  We used some bottle caps (my in-laws have been collecting them for years so this was our free option!!), you can also use small rocks.

Next, a layer of sand. This will hold the moisture in the tote since you aren't planting in the ground!

Now fill those bad boys to the top with soil! (We used eight bags between all our pots)

Then you can start planting as normal!

This tote is okra and tomatoes!

This one is squash and zucchini!

The big pot is cucumbers and the small one is sunflowers!

I've very impatiently waiting on them to start growing!!

Now for the after pictures!

Isn't that so much better?

Have you ever done anything like this? I'd love to hear how it went.

xo Courtney

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