How She Declutters

Friday, October 16, 2015

I have been a She managing our household for a lot of years. While I love a squeaky clean fresh smelling home~ I don't always have time during the work week to get it done.  But I will admit... clutter gives me anxiety.  So over the years I have come up with a few habits to keep the clutter and chaos at bay.  I think you might like to give them a try and see how they help you.

1. Empty your car every day~ clothes, toys, trash. I know some times with little ones this can be difficult, especially if you park outside.  But I really think this is a great habit.  It helps keep the car clean too.  And I have found a shoe left in the car over night and will panic me in the morning searching frantically for it.
2.  Sort the mail~ shred those credit card offers and magazine subscription offers, have a designated place where "bills to be paid" go every month. And this should not be the kitchen counter or the dash of the car.  My point is don't allow it to stack up all week.  Organization is key. 

3. Newspapers~ do you still subscribe to a paper delivery? Do you read it every day or are you like me and get a Sunday paper for the coupons?  If you read it, toss it or put in your recycle bin.  If you haven't read it, it is old news ... Toss it.

4. Dirty laundry ~ You might as well learn this now... this is something you will always and I mean always have... It multiplies while we sleep I think.  Any dirty clothes/ towels/ sports uniforms go into a designated basket in the laundry room. No wet towels get left in bedrooms or bathroom floors and no searching for a uniform that hasn't gotten into the laundry bin.  And when it is time to do the laundry it is already pretty well sorted for me and saves a little time.
If you are starting out, you may not have an official "laundry" room; a magically room with a door that closes and hides all the dirty laundry you acquire.   I would suggest that you still find a way to keep your clothes separated from your towels so you do not ruin a nice piece of clothing with a smelly wet towel.  

5.  Put things away- shoes, coats, backpacks, toys... Whatever is lying around. If you have little ones, let them play! You are making memories and that is so important for you and them. But it is okay to  teach them to pick up the toys when they finish. You can make it a game if that helps and make it more fun.  Baskets or bins are great for this too.  

An organized home makes you feel good but it also helps to reduce Momma's stress and allows her to enjoy time with her family.  

Hope you can use some of these tips too!  What do you do to make your weeknight chaos a little smoother? I would love to hear from you and have you share your ideas with us! 


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