Tips and Tricks for Cleaning!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Are you a whiz kid at cleaning? No? Fear not – you aren’t alone. I’m the same way. My house is messy more than it is clean and I’m constantly doing laundry and dishes. Who knew two people could have so much dirty clothes and dishes?

Here are some of the main cleaning tips and tricks you need to know.

1.       Baking Soda

a.       Laundry - When you are having to wash a load for the second time (or third, no judgment!), sprinkle some baking soda in the washer along with your detergent. It’ll absorb the sour smell, leaving your clothes nice and fresh!

b.      Grease Fire - If you get a fire while cooking with grease do NOT use water that will make it worse! Instead, pour baking soda over the fire. OR you can ‘smother’ it with something like a pot lid.

2.       Scrubbing Bubbles

a.       This isn’t just for cleaning the bathroom – it’s the best stain remover! Spray scrubbing bubbles on your clothes to get pesky stains out. The best part is it won’t ruin your clothes. So you can spray them and then throw them in your dirty clothes and come back a day week later.

3.       Wet Washcloth

a.       Don’t have time to iron your clothes? No biggie! Throw them in the dryer with a damp washcloth. It’ll iron out the wrinkles for you.

4.       Coffee Grounds

a.       Did you leave your windows open in rain and now your car just reeks? Sprinkle coffee grounds in your floor boards and seats, wait about an hour and vacuum up. No more sour smell AND your car smells fabulous! This method also works with other unfortunate smells.

5.       Corn meal

a.       Ants that you can’t get rid of? Sprinkle some corn meal where you’re seeing them. Ants love the taste so they’ll eat it and take it back to their colony. Unfortunately, thankfully the ants can’t digest it so it expands in their stomachs which causes it to burst, killing the ant.
What are you go to cleaning tips? Let me know in the comments!


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