Spice Cabinet Must-Haves

Monday, October 12, 2015

via Pinterest
Hey y’all! So I don’t know about you, but my spice cabinet (SC) is about three sizes too small. It is a complete disaster in there, but somehow I know exactly where everything is. Thanks to that I can always tell when my husband has been in my cabinet…. At that point I have to take everything out and put it back in there in my order. I got a wild hair and decided to reorganize my SC – matching bottles and all! (If only it could look like the picture above!)
While I was working I got to thinking about the top things you must have in your cabinet.  So I got to work and polled all the SHE’s on what they couldn’t live without. Below is the list we came up with!
1.       Salt and Pepper
2.       Lemon Pepper
3.       Cinnamon
4.       Dried Cilantro
5.       Garlic Powder and Garlic Salt
6.       Onion Flakes and Onion Salt
7.       Nutmeg
8.       Vanilla
9.       Chicken and Beef Bouillon Cubes
10.   Pumpkin Spice
11.   Baking Soda and Baking Powder (For the record - Baking powder and baking soda are not the same thing. They are both leaveners, however they are chemically different.)
I hope this list was helpful for you! Maybe you already have all of these, or maybe you’re like me and need to go buy some pumpkin spice and also garlic powder because I just used the last of it!
Do you have a must-have SC item that I didn’t list? Let me know in the comments!
xo - Courtney

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