Making Weekday Mornings Easier

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Via Pinterest

Hey Y'all! There are many things I enjoy in life, but being a morning person has never been on that list. I'm more of a waking up slow kind of girl, and the reality of my life is more "sleep-until-the-last-possible-minute-run-around-the-house" type of morning. Never enjoyable, always stressful.

Now that 8-5 is my everyday norm, I've had to learn to adjust my routine in order to start the day off refreshed and not rushed. It's been a little challenging for this morning naysayer, but I will say - it works.

Tip #1 - Get enough sleep (Redundant, but True)
  • Go to bed at a decent hour. I know I need my sleep, so making sure I get the right amount makes waking up easier. #GrandmaStatus
Tip #2 - Productive Evenings
  • Before I go to bed, either when I get home from work or while I'm making dinner, I've found it's much easier to pack my lunch, pick out my clothes, and set everything out I'll need for the next day. It cuts so much time in the morning, and you aren't moving all over the house looking for things wasting precious time.
    • That means I literally can grab everything in the morning and go!
    • I put bags in the car, have breakfast/lunch packed so it's easy to grab from the refrigerator, and put my clothes out for the next day!
    • Pick up your house before you go to sleep, that way you aren't loading/unloading dishes, switching over laundry, or taking out the trash half asleep! Plus, waking up to a clean home is always lovely.
Tip #3 - Give Yourself Extra time
  • For me, I know I have to be in the shower by 6:30 in order to make it to work on time. So I set my alarm for 6 to give me a little bit of wiggle room. Some mornings are better than others and I can get up a few minutes after 6 to play with the pups a little longer, or just take my time waking up. However, there are days when I push snooze straight up until the last minute. But knowing I can and not being jolted awake makes waking up a little bit easier.
Lastly, Tip #4 - Routine
  • Make a routine in the morning. Get up, brush teeth, make bed, etc. Whatever works for you, but stick with it and form a pattern. Practice makes perfect, and you will hopefully notice a difference in the time it takes you to get out the door!
Are you a morning person? What's your morning routine? Let me know in the comments section!

xo ~ Brittney

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