SHE: Says Good Bye to Summer

Monday, August 1, 2016

Hey Y’all,

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August 1st… “Back to school” is just around the corner.  Parents and kiddos usually have different feelings about these 3 little words. But by this time, most are starting to yearn for a familiar routine. Because I was a “working mom” (like there is any other kind!) we worked best with a routine and honestly I still do.   I know, I know… routine is boring. But it makes your life so much easier.

Schools will begin in about 2 weeks here in town. So now is a good time to start making small adjustments to your daily activities to help you and the kiddos be a little less traumatized by the start of school and early morning wake ups.  Here a few suggestions to implement now:

·         Be sure all the summer to do’s were accomplished: physicals, dental visits (orthodontic consults- should happen by age 7J ), summer reading….

·         Go through clothes to determine what will work for back to school and what has been outgrown; remove the outgrown to avoid a morning of “Nothing to wear” frustrations.

·         Start moving bedtime up a little each day working your way to school time bedtime; wake up a little earlier too (staying up all night and sleeping all day – although fun, can really mess with your internal clock).

·         Organize your activities: get everything on the Family calendar- sports, dance, PTA, date night, field trips.  (If you are local, join us for a fun Planning 101 class to make sure your planner is the envy of your friends)

·         Meal planning is so helpful, but it will be a huge help during those first few days of back to school.  Plan lunch and dinner options that are family favorites and ideally can be prepped in advance.

·         Shop for back to school supplies; Take advantage of sales and if possible I recommend buying a few extra supplies at the low prices to keep on hand for mid school year.

·         Start discussions about the new school year; quite often the thought of school brings out a little anxiety in everyone.  Try to alleviate them as best you can. Focusing on the positives is always a good idea. 

Once school starts, make sure everyone is involved. Each night I try to make sure to have everything ready for the next day. This means all shoes and socks, jackets and backpacks are accounted for before bedtime.  I recommend a designated area for items.  Making a habit of putting things in the same location lessens the chance of not being able to find it when it is time to run out the door.

I hope you enjoy the last few days of your summertime. Make some more sweet memories and get prepared for the next chapter of fun.  



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