SHE: Enjoyed the holidays

Monday, February 20, 2017

Hey Y'all,

Hope you had a great week. I had the pleasure of going for my yearly medical check up. Now know that I originally scheduled this appointment in the fall (yes, it takes a long time to get those appointments). In the fall, I didn't know how much I was going to enjoy those delicious holiday goodies. How could I?   So this girl wasn't concerned about her visit... it was months away.

So when I went for my check up this week, the evidence smacked me right between my eyes.  Clearly I have enjoyed a lot of things over the holiday season and every ounce of them showed up at my doctor's office on the scales....  "Oh, it's not that much" sweet Dr. Donna says. "It happens sometimes" she says. 

Why Yes ladies,  it has happened and it is time for it to GO. The question is how? 
I love sweet tea and Chic-fil-a (and apparently anything not nailed down).  I admit, I have never been one to really diet- too much pressure and I don't like feeling deprived.  But as I am getting older (watch out girls, it starts early), it is harder and harder to make that scale go down. I am praying that with some determination I will be successful. 

I love to walk, so my treadmill is dusted off and I am ready to begin my fitness plan.  I have my cute Fitbit as a reminder to get moving ~ I almost never leave home without it.  But have you noticed that it is so much easier to consume 10,000 calories than it is to get 10,000 steps.  (Just kidding ~ surely I  haven't consumed 10,000 calories?? )  My goal is to lose some weight of course, but also to feel better. I have less energy, a foggy brain and sleep is a joke and I have my poor eating habits/ lack of exercise to blame for most of that.

Tell me I am not alone here friends.  What was your holiday treat that hung on....? I am very guilty of  BLT's (bites, licks & tastes) while cooking and they all add up. Calories and pounds are sneaky like that. 

If you have some leftovers that need to go ~ join me and let's get healthy.  My plan is to watch what I eat, drink water and exercise/ walk daily.   I have found a yoga plan that I think will help ease me back into a routine.  It is a quick series that is supposed to energize you for the day and is a great one for beginners. 

Wish me luck! I will be sharing my progress (I hope) with you.  Maybe you are ready to work on your summer body too.  I would love to hear your suggestions for staying motivated.



P.S.  My Pinterest board is FULL of awesome looking exercises... maybe I will try some.
Of course we need a funny ~ 

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