SHE Plans to Travel

Friday, February 24, 2017

Hey y'all!  Even though this week was a short week for me (thank you President's Day!), it feels like Monday was three weeks ago....  

In the middle of this super long week, I've been starting to think about planning our vacation for the year. Disclaimer: I love planning trips. I've planned and changed my mind on about 47 different trips this week! I just love seeing everything somewhere has to offer.  If you're like me, you're thinking about your trip(s) too because of the ugly B word... budget.  So with all that in mind I thought I'd share a few things that I like to keep in mind when I'm planning where we're going to go and how much we'll need. 

1. If you are going to be flying somewhere be careful when you're looking for prices. Your computer tracks where you've been and what you've been searching (cookies) and the more you search plane tickets looking for cheaper prices, the more expensive they get! If you have a couple of computers in your house then search on different ones and finally book on yours. Clearing your cookies after each search will help too.

2. Just because gas and food are one price where you live doesn't mean that is what they are where you're going. Do a little research on what gas prices typically run in the month you are going and look up local restaurant menus. This way you'll be able to budget correctly and there won't be any surprises.

3. Don't reinvent the wheel. There is this great thing called Pinterest and these great people called bloggers. I'm about 99% sure that if you type in the city you're going to you are going to find so many articles on things to do. "XYZ in One Day" "XYZ With Kids" "XYZ on a Budget" .... you get the point! Let them help you with your planning. I've found things to do on blog posts that I never found on Google!

I hope this helps you with your planning like it has helped me with mine. Feel free to share where you're going and maybe I'll join you!

xo Courtney

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