Hey Y’all,
We are so excited about our market in June. Have you heard about it? ;) The
“Everything SHE Needs Market"” is June 25th here in Chattanooga. After blogging for a few months, we started
thinking about how we could expand the SHE Degree, what we wanted to be able to
do and how we could help others…. The
market idea came to life and has been driving us forward for the last 2
months. The SHE Degree market has very
specific ideals… just as the name describes.
We want ladies to be able to spend the day with us shopping and learning
something new in the process or even better, start a new career to benefit their
family! Several direct sales vendors will be present and would be more than
happy to show you how you can join their team.
Lisa and I have spent quite a few days out beating the
pavement recruiting unique vendors. (One was even spent dragging poor Madison
around with us in the rain!! We got her a nice yummy lunch though). But we really had so much fun! (Sorry, we attempted selfies to show our efforts .. we need a little more practice). And everyone is
so receptive to our philosophy of “Home Ec for the modern SHE”. Most have commented about how this is needed. We have met a lot of interesting ladies and
business owners. They are going to be so much fun at the market. Vendors that have been selected are from all
different types of businesses: fashion, beauty, home décor, health, educational
and more. We want lots of options. Aren’t you getting excited
Be sure to follow the blog over the
next few weeks as we begin sharing the list of companies we have joining us… Y’all
it is growing every day! We start texting the group first thing every morning, to see what businesses signed up over night! God has really
opened the doors and things are jumping into place. For that we are thankful and blessed beyond
You will want to get connected so you don’t miss some fun
opportunities coming up. And it is so easy as we are literally everywhere-
Facebook, Blogger, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. Have you invited your friends to follow us?
Don’t leave them out!
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