SHE's Barter

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

  1. 1
    exchange (goods or services) for other goods or services without using money.

    Bartering is not just something that occurred in history, trust me when I say it is how I get many things done! The act of bartering, like mentioned in the definition above, is trading what we can do for what we need done.
    A few examples of things I’ve done include watching my friend’s little ones while they went on a date, then the next time they’d do the same for me. Free babysitting! Or my friend Carla would cut my children’s hair and I would bake for her in return.
    Bartering is a fabulous way to save money and get the things you need.  We truly need to bring it back.  My friends and I have done it for years.  We have realized that when we utilize the gifts we have and share them with our friends they share their gifts!  This is a great money saver!  Money we can spend on trips or education or plain old bills!  (Or a new outfit?!).

    So pass around your kid’s clothes and toys.  Honestly, I would rather give my hand-me downs to a friend than put them in a yard sale.  Let your friends shop your yard sales and not be charged for the stuff they want.  I love to give my friends things.  Because next week you might need help putting in a fan or a light fixture... and I know which friend’s husband I’ll need to help, do you?  

    Case in point… This week at my house was a do it yourself pool liner!

    We were able to put in the pool liner for less  than  half the cost of what the pool store quoted.  How?  We bartered with a friend that has put in a few of his own pool liners. 

    I would like to encourage each of you to start bartering with your friends.  What are their gifts?  What are yours?  What do you want or need?  What do they want or need?  Do you need childcare?  Who are your child's friends?  Can you keep the kids one night?  They keep the kids the next time? 

    Do you barter already?  I would love to hear what you barter!
    Lisa B

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