SHE Goes Blonde!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hi friends! It's almost the weekend, but more importantly it's almost summer! I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to spending my weekends on the lake.  One common trend you see a lot before and during summer is blonde hair, and I jumped on board. So today I'm going to share a few tips on going blonde and keeping your hair healthy in the process.

First I'm going to give you a little background on myself so you can understand why I struggled with this first tip. I love to change my hair. It is a quick and easy way to provide a little bit of change. I'm a natural brunette and have dyed my hair multiple shades of brown and auburn, and love that instant change. I'm also a very impatient person. When I decide on a color I change it right then and don't look back.  Now let's get started....

You aren't going to go from brown to blonde in one session.

This was heartbreaking to me. I decided to go blonde back in September because I was going through a time and needed a major change. I was able to get a hair appointment that night. Three hours later I left the salon with a handful of highlights. What? I almost cried on the way home.  But that is just how it works. Think about how you wouldn't up a run a marathon one day, you need time to train your body, just like your hair needs time to process this change. Here I am seven months later and am fully blonde. (and between you and me am getting anxious for a new color, it's been too long!)

Purple shampoo is your friend!

But be careful....  I have warm tones in my hair so my blonde can get a bit brassy. For some people that is the look they are going for, some not so much. Purple is opposite of yellow on the color wheel so using purple shampoo will cancel out the brassiness of your hair. Now why did I tell you to be careful? If you leave it sitting on your hair for too long it will turn your hair purple, just ask my mom!! This leads me to my next point....

Don't turn green!

Since it's summertime you need to be careful around pools. If your hair is freshly dyed the chlorine can turn it green. Yikes!


Going blonde is going to dry your hair out in a big way!! So you're definitely going to want to work in some time for hair masks. My favorite is coconut oil. Not only does it work wonders, it smells great! And if I close my eyes I can pretend I'm at the beach. Riley talked all about coconut oil hair masks in this post here.

Careful with the heat!

Like I just said, this process is going to dry your hair out and using heat on your hair every five minutes will only make it worse! I don't like to give up my straightener, but try your very best to cut back on how often you use them. It is summer after all, rock that natural look!

I hope this was helpful to you and your process of going blonde will go a bit smoother! 

xo Courtney

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