SHE Talks Pregnancy

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Hey y'all!  As you've probably seen, two of the SHEs are expecting the sweetest babies. Mine is due in just a short three weeks and Brittney's is due in January.

I've always been interested (maybe a little too much) in the process of pregnancy and childbirth. In fact my dream job would be to deliver babies. Thanks to this interest I've spent years reading things and listening to people's experience on their pregnancy. Then as we were talking about a baby and once I became pregnant I started really reading things about it. I thought I had a good handle on what to expect. If you google it you'll find all the normal things - exhaustion, morning sickness, aches and pains, growing belly, etc. But why doesn't anyone talk about the rest of it?

So I started a list of "things no one tells you about pregnancy" and then I asked other people for their input. Here are some of the things that were mentioned in hopes it helps you feel more prepared and know you aren't alone!

  • Out of breath - you'll find this one on those typical lists. But I wanted to talk about it because I wasn't prepared for how early I was out of breath. I mean the baby was the size of a grape and I couldn't walk across the house without getting winded. And then how bad it is sometimes. I'll be in a meeting trying to explain something and just saying multiple sentences in a row I feel like I've run a 5k. 
  • Vulnerable and Needy/Dependent - This one was big for me and I really struggled with it in my first trimester. Physical touch and quality time are my love languages so I enjoy hanging out with people, but the beginning of my pregnancy I couldn't be alone. It was bad! If hubs wasn't home I'd go to my mom's house or go to the store and just walk around. I needed someone to talk to me on the phone as I drove home from work each day. If someone wasn't able to talk to me I'd either get mad and pout or very upset and cry. #hormones. I don't know if I just got used to it or if it got better. But if this is you, have somebody who is aware of how your feeling so they know to always respond to your texts, answer your calls and so on. Keeping this feeling to yourself isn't healthy!
  • Hormones - we all know to expect this one, but holy moly mood swings. The hormones have been WAY worse than I expected them to be. Brace yourself and warn your husband/partner that they'll come.
  • Growing feet - some people's feet grow a whole size. I'm not talking swelling. I'm talking that they will literally grow and stay bigger forever. 
  • Numbness - these babes are going to get comfortable no matter what. A lot of times that means they are sitting on your nerves and will cause numbness in your legs, arms, etc. It's super fun...

There was a lot more and I'm sure there is stuff that even my friends and I haven't experienced, but I hope this helps you! Pregnancy is such a wonderful process and I'm so thankful that I've been able to experience it. But now I'm ready for her to get here!!

Have you experienced something that isn't on the usual list and also isn't on this list? I'd love to hear about it.

xo Courtney

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