She Wears: Valentine's Day 101

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Valentine's Day often gets a bad rap.. it's only a holiday to make people spend money, it's stupid if you're single, blah, blah, blah. I love Valentine's Day. I think it's a happy holiday that signifies the end of Winter, it's a time to show your love for yourself, your family, friends or significant others! Even if you want to cozy up and spend the night reading a great book alone or dance the night away with your girlfriends, I have the outfits for you! 

A lot of girls who are recently single are taking this time in their lives to 'date themselves'. Being in my early twenties you either feel like you're in a serious relationship, about to get married (or are married!) or you still date around casually. Sometimes you need a break to learn more about yourself and that is 100% ok & recommended! 

Valentine's Idea: Find a good book, cook yourself a delicious meal, order in and don't forget some great dessert! Work on a project you've been meaning to complete or journal. Take a hot bath, book a massage, get a mani/pedi. It's all about spoiling yourself and you deserve it!!

Outfit: Treat yourself to something new.. adorable pajamas, a fluffy robe, new slippers. This Valentine's Day is all about you! 

If you are single or maybe in a long distance relationship and don't want to spend the night alone, call some of your best girlfriends.

Valentine's Idea: Find a new recipe, grab some wine and cook dinner for yourselves! Rent a movie or dance to some fun tunes. Head out on the town.. nice dinner, followed by drinks and dancing, dessert or a movie. Host a bubbly brunch complete with cinnamon rolls and mimosa bar! 

Outfit Ideas: Fun lipstick, a black jumpsuit, feathers, sequins or whatever you think might be a little too 'out there' for a date night. If you're staying in try finding funny pajamas or your favorite tee. If you're attending a brunch I love a great midi skirt.

If you're in a relationship, especially a new one, you want to hit the town with your love! It's fun getting dressed up. 

Valentine's Idea: Dinner and a movie is always a classic. One year we went to a couple's painting class and it was a blast! I'm always a sucker for a picnic or hike somewhere pretty (especially if you have pups!) or maybe bowling with another couple! Double Date!!

Outfit Ideas: A little black dress is a classic but for a fun twist try a little red dress! A jumpsuit can be sexy and sleek. Nice jeans paired with a cute top and fun heels is a great take on a casual look. 

If you've been super busy or maybe just love the comfort of you own house, stay in this Valentine's and enjoy being lazy! This is what we're planning this year. 

Valentine's Idea: Cook up a new meal together, order take out and watch a movie, build a fort and make s'mores just like the good ole days, set up a 'spa night' and pamper each other, have a movie marathon or make a craft together. 

Valentine's Idea: Pajamas! If you're staying in you can rock some adorable PJs. If you want to get a little bit more dressed up grab a comfy dress or cute joggers! 

What are your plans this year? I hope this helps make this the best Valentine's Day ever!

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