SHE loves to smile

Monday, February 15, 2016

Hey Y’all,

 Although February is a short month, it is jam packed with holidays and celebrations. Ground Hog Day, Valentine’s Day and President’s Day you probably knew.  But do you know it is also Children’s Dental Health month?  There is nothing sweeter than a baby's smile. 
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A smile breaks the ice, welcomes you home and says so much about you, so it is important to keep those pearly whites healthy. Some simple ways to help you be sure they are:
1) Brush using a soft toothbrush and a small amount of an ADA approved  toothpaste at least twice a day.  Don’t forget to floss daily today.   Mommas - brush for your little ones at night ~ encourage them to learn to brush, but really until they are older they just can’t get them clean enough. Let them handle the morning and you get them at night (hopefully your nights are a little less rushed.) You may find an electric toothbrush encourages longer brushing.

      2) Avoid sugary snacks and drinks between meals. This means “sports drinks” too. They are extremely acidic and can lead to enamel erosion and decay.  Encourage your children (and yourself) to  sip on water between meals.  Sipping all day causes tooth decay.

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      3) See your dentist every 6 months for a cleaning and check-up. Little ones should visit the dentist  by age 3 and an orthodontist by age 7.  Orthodontics (braces ) aren’t for children only.  Having your teeth and jaws aligned can improve your dental health by making it easier to keep your teeth clean and  a having a smile 
      you are proud of can really boost your self-confidence. Most orthodontists offer  complimentary (FREE) initial exams. 

You dental health is important for your physical health too.  I bet you didn’t know gum disease can 
complicate heart issues and diabetes.  No insurance? Check your local community college, many offer reduced fees for routine checkups if they have an accredited dental program. If your smile isn’t what you want it to be, ask your dentist or dental hygienist how you can improve it.  Check the links added  above for more dental information.  Hope these tips can give you a reason to smile ~  Let me know if you have any questions. I will be glad to try to help point you in the right direction. 

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