Home Medicine Cabinet 101

Monday, November 2, 2015

Home Medicine Cabinet 101

As a SHE will tell you, I guess Boy Scouts will too... always be prepared.  Today I want to focus on first aid and medicines I like to stock to ensure I am prepared to take care of my family.  

Forget the pot holder? Tried out the new sharp carving knives?  What about for your little one's boo boos, cuts and scrapes?  Upset tummy from too much celebrating?   What do you need to have on hand to take care of your loved ones or yourself if the need arises? I think everyone should have a basic first aid kit of some sort.  

I try to keep these items on hand:  
  • band aids in assorted sizes ( I really like the water proof / clear ones - they seal really well)
  • Neosporin / antibiotic cream 
  • alcohol wipes / cotton balls 
  • peroxide- love the spray bottle kind, you don't have to "touch" the area to clean it
  • tweezers
  • ice packs (frozen veggies work great for an ice pack - just be sure to toss once you use it)
  • Aloe Vera works for sunburns as well as other burns ( I store ours in the refrigerator)
  • Tylenol/ Advil/ Aleve- something for mild pain/ aches/ headaches 
  • Thermometer
  • Allergy medicine - it seems like allergy season is a year round problem for a lot of people
  • Antacids/ Pepto/ Emetrol....  for when you have tasted one too many delicious treats.  
I don't buy large quantities of the tummy meds - luckily we don't have to use them too often and they will expire.  Be sure to check your expiration dates and replenish as needed. 

You can also purchase a fully stocked kit in a cute red "Red Cross" bag at most any drugstore, Target, Walgreens.  These usually have a little bit of everything in them and just add to it as you need. 

It is good to keep a small kit in the car, playground/ sports bags too.  What do you keep on hand? Let me know how you prepare for accidents in your home.

Here is to hoping no accidents disrupt your holiday season, but knowing you are prepared for whatever comes your way should make you feel pretty good. 


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