SHE Travels:Disney

Friday, November 6, 2015

I take my children to Walt Disney World in Orlando at least once a year.   
Why do I go to Disney at least once a year?  Besides it being the "Happiest Place on Earth"? Well I have a list of reasons and I judge every other amusement park to the Disney Standards.  Most fail, sorry to say.
Here are the reasons I choose to spend my time and money at Disney:
  1. Disney is clean.  I have never seen an overflowing trash can at Disney.
  2. Disney still believes in customer service. 
  3. You can take your own food and snacks into the parks.  (they don't make you throw it away!)
  4. There are some free things to do around Disney.
  5. Childhood, dreams, and magic still rule!
  6. You can order water at any counter service restaurant and they give it to you with a smile even if that is all you order. (Cups of water are free!)
  7. The Cast Members seem to really want you to have the best experience and go out of their way to be helpful.
  8. Magic. Pixie Dust. Customer Service!! (can't say it enough)
Ok, I will admit it.  I love Disney!  They just do it up right!!  Now when you speak the Disney words you will strike strong emotions in people.  They either love it or hate it.  I love it!  I honestly think the people who hate it were not prepared when they went.  The key to a great Disney Trip is be prepared.
Now there are tons of websites on what to pack and what to do once you get there.  I don't want to be the one to beat a dead horse.  But I want you to have a great trip, so here are some things you really need to know! 
  1. Every. Single. Ride opens into a gift shop.  You need to be prepared for the incredible amount of Disney Merchandise and the wonderful displays.  I start telling my children on the 9 hour car trip to Disney they will be seeing all kinds of things they will want.  I tell them we will shop the last day.  When they see that item they just have to have, I remind them we are not shopping today!  I also explain to them they have a souvenir budget.  So far, this has worked in our family. 
  2. This tip goes with number 1.  I don't want my children to feel deprived.  I want them to enjoy the trip and I don't want to always be saying no.  So we pin trade.  I purchase Disney Pins from Ebay before we go and let them trade pins with Cast Members in the Disney Gift Shops.  They make these wonderful lanyards, but we just use ziplock bags.  One bag for the "keep" and one bag for the "trade".   
  3. Ziplock Bags.  I always take these in my bag into the park.  They come in handy for left over cookies, treats, or even half a sandwich you know they will want in 20 minutes.  (have also used them for carrying wet clothes because one of my darlings played in the water fountains).
  4. Water Fountains!  If the weather is warm, Disney has all these wonderful water fountains that little darlings just love to play in.....thus you need to carry a change of clothes for little ones.  (in a gallon size bag that you can put the wet ones in for the trip home).
  5. I also carry baby wipes and hand sanitizer.  I don't care how old your children are baby wipes are needed.
  6. Blister Band-Aids.  They are a little bit thicker and some one in my family has needed them every time. Never wear new shoes.  Shoes need to be comfortable and broken in because you will walk 5-12 miles a day.  (last time we walked at least 10 miles a day according to my fitbit)
  7. This brings up strollers.  My eight year old will not go to Disney without a stroller.  She can't walk that much and be happy without one.
  8. You can take snacks into the parks.  I always take several snacks, because my children are nibblers.  I have also found that if you keep the children fed and hydrated they can have a better time in the parks.  (Or I can because they are not pitching a fit)
  9. Go off season.  Go when everyone is in school.  (best tip I can give!)
  10. My favorite tip.  When the children start to get tired and cranky, feed them caffeine and chocolate. Well, feed them and go see a show where they can sit and relax.  It sounds counterproductive but usually their blood sugar is low and they just need a pick me up!
  11. You will stand in line.  We play an app on our phone.  We play Charades or Taboo. When they were younger we played I spy. Playing games helps keep them distracted in line. 
To have a great trip to Disney, be prepared.  Plan. Plan. and Plan some more.  Then, be prepared to ditch your plan.  One year I decided we wouldn't stop and get autographs and pictures with the characters.  We were only going to be there a few days and I didn't want to waste time in that line.  That was the year my youngest wanted to see ALL the characters.  So, I had a plan.  Then had to revamp said plan. 
While you are at the happiest place on earth you will see some of the most unhappy people.  Most of these unhappy moments could have been prevented.  I cannot stress enough to wear comfy shoes.  Make sure you eat and drink plenty.  (sugary snacks-gummies help)  Prepare them for the 7,853 gift shops you have to walk through.  Have a plan.....and be ready to ditch it. Most importantly, have fun. Especially while you are in a line.  Remember you are a SHE and you set the tone!!  Have fun.
Do you have a great tip for those going to Disney????  I would love to hear it. 

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