Coming Soon

Monday, November 9, 2015

Hey Y'all ~ 

Hope you had a lovely week-end. It has been rainy and humid in our area for what seems like weeks- although I am sure that is an exaggeration. Yesterday was breezy and cooler and though overcast, we didn't see any rain.  And it finally felt like FALL!!  It is beautiful with the trees in gorgeous colors.  

 It makes me so excited! Can you believe Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks??  I love the holiday season from start to finish and try to enjoy them all.  We typically celebrate Thanksgiving at our home with extended family so I like for our home to feel like harvest time, fall with all the orange colors and pumpkin scents. We are all so blessed I try to make sure we take the time to really celebrate Thanksgiving. 

image via Pinterest

I usually try to wait until the Saturday after Thanksgiving to decorate for Christmas, right after our Black Friday marathon.  I bet some of you already have your Christmas trees up???  No judgement here. The official Rockefeller Center tree arrived in New York this week.  If we didn't host our family, ours would be up too.  (Although Mike would probably frown about it this early).  It is a lot of work to decorate and I like to enjoy it as long as possible.  But everything is packed up by New Year's Eve.  Ready for the New Year all fresh and clean and a cute new agenda in hand. 

Do you host your family for the holidays?  Have a Friendsgiving?  It is so much fun to celebrate with the ones you love. But it can also be stressful, don't you think?  Cooking, cleaning, decorating, shopping, wrapping... all in addition to the things we are already doing.  

Over the next few weeks, we are going to be sharing with you our Holiday family traditions, yummy recipes, gift ideas and decorating tips.  SHE secrets we hope you will enjoy.   
We will have our Holiday Kick Off next Monday ~ so be sure to sign up for our emails if you haven't already and comment letting us know what some of your tips are too.  We want to hear about your traditions, recipes and what you like to give the person who has it all. 

This will be the first Christmas morning Mike & I will wake up by ourselves in 25 years~ I guess we will be starting a new tradition.  I'll be sure to share.....  

Have a wonderful week ~


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