SHE Needs a Break!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Life lately has been SO crazy. If you're anything like me you find yourself saying the dirty phrase - "we don't have any plans next weekend so we can finally relax and breathe!" Then by the time next weekend comes it is packed full of things.  Week after week the cycle continues with no break, and a weeknight - don't even think about it.

Now I'm not a doctor, but I do know that it is extremely important for you to stop and take a break. It is good for your health, your mood, and heck a calm you is healthy for your family too!! So find some time for yourself, whether it's an hour at 9:30 on a Tuesday night or you somehow manage the miracle of a whole Saturday to yourself - find the time. Schedule it your planner so you don't forget!

Below I've listed some of my favorite things to do when I need a break.

  1. Get a massage - this is a no brainer and I've got one scheduled on Sunday afternoon!
  2. Get a pedicure or a manicure (or both!)
  3. Take a nice hot bubble bath - are you seeing a trend here? I love to relax by pampering myself. 
  4. Read a book! I love getting lost in a good book and once I'm lost you won't find me again until it's over. Currently on my list to read are (numbers 1-5 just got delivered and I can't wait to get started):
    1. The Art of Racing in the Rain
    2. Reconstructing Amelia
    3. Sharp Objects
    4. Dark Places
    5. Room
    6. The Harry Potter Series
    7. A Song of Fire and Ice Series 
    8. The Shack
  5. Binge watch a TV show. Okay, I know it's against all the rules to promote binge watching. But sometimes you just need to be a couch potato and spend all weekend watching your favorite TV show. Here are shows that are on my watch list as well as shows that I'm current on but love to watch:
    1. Parenthood
    2. Gilmore Girls
    3. The Last Ship
    4. Grey's Anatomy
    5. Game of Thrones
    6. The Walking Dead
    7. The Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise (it's my guilty pleasure show, don't judge!)
    8. Scandal
Now I'm going to throw you a curveball here. One thing that is really great to do before you take on a relaxation method is to clean. I know, I know.. how is cleaning relaxing? Isn't it the root of all evil? YES. YES IT IS. I'm right there with you but here me out (and Mom, don't fall over or call me and tell me "I told you so"). I like to set the timer for thirty minutes to an hour (depending on how bad it is) and really focus on speed cleaning. Put everything back in its place, vacuum, dust, light some candles, and so on. Then when you sit down to read your book or whatever it is you do it will be so much more relaxing knowing that the house is clean!

Help a girl out here? I'm always looking for things to add to my relaxation list - what is it that you do? What books or shows are on your list?

xo Courtney

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