Best Year EVER!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

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I am so excited about this New Year!  I believe it will be the best year ever!! Why??  Because I get a clean slate, a new beginning, a fresh new start.  The possibilities are endless.  I like to start each new year with what I know I have to look forward too. I like to make a list of the things we know will happen.  I also like to add a list of things I would like to happen. The week between Christmas and New Years I love to open my planner and start planning the year in front of me!  And I am loving my new Mambi Happy Planner. 

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Things with dates on the calendar:
My niece will turn 1 this year! (February)
My daughter will graduate from High School! (May)
A trip for just me and my Husband!  No kids!!  (June)
A family summer vacation to see several new states and watch my son in a Karate Tournament all rolled into one crazy adventure! (July)
My daughter will go away to college.  ( I have mixed emotions about this one! Excited for this chapter of her life for her....sad for me!) (August, move in day is her daddy's birthday!)
Things I would like to make happen: 
Cousin Trip- where me and some of my girl cousins get together with our kids in a cabin and catch up with each others lives!
Cooper Family Reunion-I need to make this happen!  The matriarch of the family will be 90 this year so I need to get this planned and invitations sent out immediately!
Game Night-I plan to bring this back this year!  We were so busy last year that we only had game night about every 3 or 4 months and that is totally unacceptable!  (While working on my planner last night I decided I was just going to have to schedule it and make it happen!)
Dollywood- We received Dollywood season passes for Christmas.  I have to find several days where we can go and hang out in Dollywood.  It is such a fun time with the kiddos!

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Hikes-We live in Chattanooga which was voted the Best Outdoor City in America.  We need to get several hikes on the calendar for this year.  We took a small one last Sunday and it was such a great day to be outdoors. 

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The things I want to get on my calendar are my Resolutions.  Of course, I would like to lose some weight and exercise.  But if I see a cookie I am going to eat a cookie or three.  Plus, I don't like to set myself up for failure.  So this year to make it the BEST YEAR EVER I decided to make an effort to add things I really want to do!  Things like Family Game Night, hiking, and date nights with my husband.  (plus if we go hiking I will lose the pounds I added at Christmas!)
I am very excited to ring in this New Year!  I am also excited to hear what you are planning on doing!  What are your resolutions??  Please share with the other SHE's what you have dreamed up for 2016!  May it be your BEST YEAR EVER!

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