Christmas Gift Guide: Brittney

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Hey Ya’ll! Christmas week is finally here and I hope you’re ready! If you’re not, no worries, we are here to help with the last minute gift ideas! There are always those moments during the holiday season that make gift giving stressful – Did you receive an unexpected gift from a co-worker or neighbor, or will you play Secret Santa with people you don’t really know? All of us have been there! Below, I’ve listed a few of my favorite gifts at all different price points that are sure to please everyone.

Co-Workers /Neighbor
Depending on how well you know them, the gift can be small, but thoughtful. Candles, coffee mugs, or baked goods from your favorite bakery are always a hit. They're simple, but they let them know you are grateful for their friendship.
Via Bath & Body Works
Via Ashley Brooke Designs

Mystery Secret Santa
Secret Santa games and Chinese gift exchange games can be stressful if you are purchasing gifts for someone you do not know very well. My go-to method is to buy something I know I would want to receive. Depending on the dollar limit, personalized bags/totes (makeup or grocery bags), home decor items (think throw blankets, accent pillows, picture frames), or gift cards are always a hit. If you are looking for a more DIY gift, try a theme gift basket - my favorite! The options are endless, find a cute basket or bucket and fill it up! I've listed a few options below.

Hot Chocolate Jars
 Via Pinterest
Movie Night Basket
Via Pinterest 
Tailgate Cooler
Via Pinterest
Hopefully these ideas gave you some inspiration for your last minute gift giving!

Merry Christmas!

xo ~ Brittney

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