New Years Traditions

Monday, December 28, 2015

Hey Y'all,

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!! Ours was so nice. Although the weather could have been much better (we have had a lot of rain) I think it may have given us a good excuse to relax! We enjoyed time with our family and had some very nice days of celebration. And of course we had a lot of good food.

You know we are all about traditions and New Year's Day is no exception.  While I am writing this I am beginning to wonder if my traditions could be considered superstitions? I make sure all my Christmas decorations are packed away before the end of the year. And we always have a New Year's Day dinner with Black Eyed peas, Tomatoes, Rice, Greens (I like them all~ collard, mustard or turnips) and cornbread.  This is hands down my favorite meal and my sweet family tries to enjoy it too. Although, I don't know that I will ever be able to convince Andrew how delicious it is.

Here is where I guess you could say the superstitions come into play... A Christmas tree holds all our wishes and dreams for the year. And I don't think you can start a new year with old
dreams and wishes hanging around.   For our dinner, we tell everyone that they have to eat "peas for luck and greens for bucks" in the coming year.  Silly sayings but we say them every year.  Of course, these may both be ploys passed down in our family to
1) get the Christmas decor packed away to help with the chaos and 2) get the children (& hubby in my case) to eat a few peas and gasp, even a bite of greens. 

No worries if you don't get your tree down by New Year's Eve or have pizza planned for New Year's Day....  that may be your tradition. What I love about traditions is that they can be unique but they mean something special to you and your family.
As the 2015 year comes to an end, we can look back on so many happy times, a few sad times and more blessings than we deserve. And I am sure that I will have my Christmas decor packed away by tonight and my peas will be soaking Thursday night.   What about you?  We would love to hear your traditions for the New Year.             Bring on 2016 ~ We are ready!



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