She Shops For Christmas

Monday, December 7, 2015

Its Christmas time Y'all!!   That means you are probably up to your elbows in wrapping paper and ribbons and pretty packages tied up with string...  
image via Pinterest


What gifts are on your list this year? Do you enjoy the thrill of shopping the mall or the comfort of shopping in your PJs on your laptop? I really do a little of both.  Trying to find that special gift, not break your bank and let the person know how much you care or appreciate them can be difficult.  
Here are some suggestions that you might like to use.

image via Pinterest

Food- seems simple enough.  I love baking around the holiday season and I make batches of treats like cookies, pecan tassies, buckeyes & white chocolate Chex mix.  Mike enjoys taking them to his friends and work buddies. I love to share tins of these goodies and have already had requests for some this year.  Just bake up some treats and place them in a pretty festive basket or tin, add a nice card and you have a lovely gift. 
I make these items once a year and when they are gone they are gone, not to appear again until next year, like Santa. If you don't enjoy cooking, chose holiday items from a favorite bakery. You can dress them up in a pretty package and have a very special gift. 
image via Pinterest
Gift Cards- I know these are not personable but in the right instance I think they can be thoughtful.  For those who have had a home for many years, they have collected lots of things.  I think some would prefer an expendable gift (use it and its gone- nothing to dust or store).  A gift card for a service or dinner to a favorite restaurant, gas cards or car washes for the year would be appreciated.  
You can always include a few treats or candies with a sweet note and of course the packaging should be pretty.  I think presentation is almost as important as the gift.  

image via Pinterest

Books- I know we all have tablets and computers but I really prefer books! I especially love books for children. These are great to use for gifts that might arrive before Christmas- helping with the anticipation of Christmas they can read one each night as they try to settle down.  

image via Pinterest

 Clothing- This can be a tricky gift. If you choose clothing, be sure to get a gift receipt and do not take off the tags...  Even if you just KNOW they will love it! and that it will be PERFECT... it may not be. So be thoughtful and allow them the option to return it if it is just not them. 


The countdown is on friends ~ 18 days until Christmas!!  Hope these suggestions help you. We would love to hear about your holiday ideas. 


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