SHE Attempted the Whole30

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Hey Ya'll! Earlier this month, Andrew and I decided we were going to attempt the Whole30. If you aren't familiar with the program, it's a challenge to only eat "whole" foods. Fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and eggs for every meal, for 30 days. Here is the kicker, the only processed foods that you are able to eat are ones that you can recognize all of the ingredients in the label - it's exhausting just thinking about! When I explained it to friends, I told them it is basically the diet the Pilgrim's ate, minus bread. As you can imagine, Andrew and I lasted two days. Not even kidding. We decided it was too drastic of a change for our lifestyle. We did however incorporate more fruits and vegetables, cut back on sugar, and are exercising more. Today I thought I would share with you one of the recipes we tried out and actually really enjoyed while attempting to be Whole30 enthusiasts. 

Shrimp with Zoodles

1 pound shrimp
Zucchini (one medium sized per person)
Olive Oil
Salt & Pepper

This recipe is super simple and I made it in under 30 minutes from start to finish. Begin by using a vegetable peeler or a "zoodle" maker on your zucchini.  I have this one and it was beyond easy to use! Once you have your zucchini noodles, they should look similar to the ones pictured below, pat them dry with paper towels.

In the meantime, preheat a skillet with a tablespoon or so of olive oil. Once it's nice and hot, add your "zoodles" and season with whatever you prefer. I used garlic powder and onion. Once they become soft and similar to the consistency of a noodle, remove from heat. Now, add your peeled, and de-vained shrimp to the skillet. Season them with salt and pepper, garlic and onion, and cook until they are pink. Once your shrimp are finished, add back in your "zoodles" and stir until well combined. It's as easy as that! I even convinced Andrew to try it, he didn't hate it - always a plus!

I hope you give this recipe a try, please let me know your thoughts! And just for giggles, the screenshot below accurately describes how I felt by the end of Day 2 of the Whole30.

xo ~ Brittney

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