Thank You Note Etiquette

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Via Google

Hey Ya'll! Happy January and 2016! I hope you are settling into normalcy now that the holidays are over. With the holidays come gifts galore from friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors. If you're like me, I always wondered when I needed to send a thank you note, who needed to receive one versus who didn't, and so on. I came to the conclusion that no one will ever be offended from you handwriting them a card. So any gift or gesture is deserving of a note. However, below I've broken down specific instances of when it is necessary to send thank you cards.

  • Showers and Weddings: Bridal, Baby, and Wedding gifts should all have handwritten notes. Regardless of whether or not the "gift-giver" saw you open your gift, you personally thanked them, or they are a close family member or friend - they are owed a handwritten note. The deadline for these notes can be debated. Some say Bridal and Wedding gifts can range up to one year. However, I recommend 3-4 months after the wedding as a maximum deadline. You don't want to forget who gave what, or forget to write a note at all. It makes the writing process so much more stressful!

  • Congratulatory Gifts: Birthdays and Graduation gifts should be thanked properly, especially if you are not extremely close to the person giving the gift. Make sure to have a quick turn around on these, one-two weeks maximum. If the gift is from a family member or close friend, a phone call or in person thank you will suffice. 

  • Condolences: In the event you receive a gift during an illness or death (cards, donations, or flowers) it is polite to send a thank you note. In this instance a family member or a close friend can write on behalf of the recipient if they are unable.

Now, if you opened a Christmas gift from family or a close friend this season and thanked them during that time, I would say you are in the clear - no need to write a card. However if you received a gift from someone who is more of an acquaintance (co-worker/neighbor), I would send a note. It can never hurt to extend your gratitude!

I hope the guidelines I go by can be helpful to you, and that you are better equipped to handle gifts you receive in the future!

xo ~ Brittney

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